At Keith Scott & Co., we have put in place firm privacy and security programs to keep our site safe and secure for all our visitors.

We collect email addresses of those who communicate with us via email, aggregate information on what pages consumers access or visit including our contact form.

The aggregated information we collect is used for internal review and is then discarded. Volunteered visitor information might be used by us for marketing purposes at Keith Scott & Co.

If you do not want to receive email from us in the future, please contact us. If you supply us with your postal address online, you may receive periodic mailings from us informing you of new products and services. If you do not wish to receive such mailings, please contact us. Persons who supply us with telephone numbers online may receive telephone contact from us regarding orders placed online. If you do not wish to receive such calls, please contact us or call us at 1-816-540-3707 and we will remove your telephone number from our list.